Scream II

Scream II

This is from an older concept of mine, from 2011. It may look a lot more sinister than I intend for it to be. It just so happens that I had an idea, there were a limited number of ways to express it, and I didn’t want to go for the most common option, and so was left with this.

As for the concept, it came partly from thinking of Munch’s scream. His idea began on a bridge at the end of a day, feeling tired and ill, and seeing a blood red sunset that coloured the clouds. “I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream.”

The rest comes from my interest in Psychology and my Sociology education. The occasional or frequent disparity between the public face and expression, and the internal world. This is a pretty ordinary idea. In the interest of social smoothness you temper your stronger emotions, like rage or sorrow in front of others, when on the inside you could very well be screaming your head off.

The public face versus the backstage face. Which is nonsense, because who’d have just two? I think most people would find themselves in double digits. And to what degree does all these faces we have diverge from what we think of as the real “me”? Possibly they are all facets of that “me”, there are just some parts of it you dislike to such an extent you want to label it as fake. An act.

Anyway, to show the inside outside nature of this the usual suspect is masks, but i didn’t want to use that for this idea, and so I had to figure out another solution. And so these nesting heads came about.

The title does not refer to itself as number 2 after Munchs by the way, it’s simply the second painting i’ve done of that concepts, this one beeing the first.